Download and install Flash plugin CASK FAQ

What is the matter?
You want to download and install the Flash plugin.

What should I do?

  1. Be sure that Flash does not run: close any browser-windows and programs that use Flash.

    A browser is i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, etc.

  2. Note: other programs often are automatically co-installed. Uncheck them if you do not want them. (Read more here)

    Be warned: in the download process (the next step), free extra programs are often offered, like a Yahoo or Google toolbar, see example below. If you do not want them to be automatically co-installed you must unselect (=remove the tick) them in the appropriate checkbox.


    - In case the link is moved, try
    - You must have administrator rights on the computer to be allowed to install Flash.

  4. Often it is necessary to close all browser-windows after the download/install and restart the browser, before Flash will work. Occassionally, you might even need to restart the computer.

The Adobe Flash plugin is used for animations and interactivity on web pages. CASK currently requires Flash version 8.0. For Flash to work you need the following things: