CASK - Clinical Anatomical Skills
CASK - Clinical Anatomical Skills
E-learning dedicated to clinical anatomy
A series of resources developed by the Dept. of Anatomy & Embryology, Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands
O.P. Gobée, D. Jansma, R. Slagter, S.B. Blankevoort, H. Kruijff, M.C. deRuiter, B.P.Hierck, R.E.Poelmann, A.C. Gittenberger-de Groot
O.P. Gobée, D. Jansma, R. Slagter, S.B. Blankevoort, H. Kruijff, M.C. deRuiter, B.P.Hierck, R.E.Poelmann, A.C. Gittenberger-de Groot
Interactive tutorials in Gross, Microscopic & Postgraduate Anatomy
- interactive approach
”like a teacher posing stimulating questions and responding to the student’s answers, allowing students to learn by trial and error” - highly visual presentation
- aimed at clinical anatomy
- Heart
- Inguinal area, student
- Anatomy blood vessels
- Fetal & postnatal circulation
- Pre- and postnatal circulation and developmental disorders
- Cardiac developmental disorders - Transposition
- Microscopy Blood vessels
- Anatomy in Medical Practice
- Biomechanics
- Human Morphology
- Human Morphology of the Thorax
- Human Morphology of the Abdomen
- Inguinal Area Anterior approach
- Inguinal Area Posterior approach (laparascopic)
- Microscopy Gastrointestinal Tract
- Microscopy Nerves
CASK Preclass
Online testing to stimulate preparation of classes
Online testing to stimulate preparation of classes
- mix of learning and testing
Adding of context possible - balance personalization ←→ work load
Guessing and copying limited by randomization and 8000 options multiple choice questions - specific anatomical question types
- Maag, darm, lever
- Hart
- Longen
- Nieren
Anatomical Terms

- translation of anatomical terms: Latin, English, eponyms, vice versa, etc.
Over 30.000 terms, ~ 95% of all terms in Terminologia Anatomica - easy search
- automated image & document search
Visible Human Browser
- Scroll body-sections in 3 axes
- Axes interconnected
- Optimized for use on the Web
- View digital slides online
- Viewer info, manuals, download
At Leiden University Medical Center, these e-learning applications are used in combination with face to face education ("blended learning"), like
- Lectures
- Dissection room
- Microscopy practicals
- Discussion groups
- Demo's